Bloggercon and Podcasting

December 3, 2005

As it is now such a focus of discussion, here are my recollections of Bloggercon 2003 and Podcasting.

On the first day, when we were all in the same room, I was sitting there webcasting live, and Adam Curry was in the row behind.

During one of the breaks, I introduced myself and mentioned that I knew he was interested in Audioblogging (as we called it then), and showed him the Python script I’d written to automatically download mp3 enclosures to iTunes. His reaction was that this was cool, and that I should show it off in the Audioblogging session the next day, which I duly did, thanks to Harold Gilchrist making time for me.
You can see me downloading a song into iTunes from the ‘syncpod’ feed that Adam created for testing iTunes sync after talking to me.

Download my Audioblogging speech here.
Download iPod version of my Audioblogging speech here.

It is a basic human trait to confabulate a narrative for ourselves that puts us in a good light, and it is hard to remember clearly events that happened a couple of years ago, but blogging lets us play the game of Massively Multiplayer Online Truth, as David Weinberger puts it, by preserving contemporary thoughts and notes, which should eventually lead to a more coherent neutral narrative.

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My new audio video blog

November 26, 2005

Blogger is less than ideal for dealing with a podcast feeds, so this is a home for audio and video stuff I do from time to time.

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Why Podcasting kills off Streaming

November 15, 2005

Here’s my video podcast for this session:

Download Podcasting vs Streaming here.
Download iPod version of Podcasting vs Streaming here.

November 15, 2005 11.15am 12:15am

Podcasting & Video-Blogging: The Best Thing to Happen to Streaming Media

at Streaming Media West, San Jose Convention Centre, San Jose, CA


How am I speaking in Boston and San Jose simultaneously? A video podcast, and a live link via Skype.

PS: Tom Coates reacts

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Poppy Day

November 11, 2005

For Remembrance Day this year, Siegfried Sassoon reading Attack!
from The Spoken Word: Poets:

At dawn the ridge emerges massed and dun
In the wild purple of the glow’ring sun,
Smouldering through spouts of drifting smoke that shroud
The menacing scarred slope; and, one by one,
Tanks creep and topple forward to the wire.
The barrage roars and lifts. Then, clumsily bowed
With bombs and guns and shovels and battle-gear,
Men jostle and climb to, meet the bristling fire.
Lines of grey, muttering faces, masked with fear,
They leave their trenches, going over the top,
While time ticks blank and busy on their wrists,
And hope, with furtive eyes and grappling fists,
Flounders in mud. O Jesus, make it stop!

Chris Pirillo and I chat about Tags and microformats

July 8, 2005

I ran into Chris at Where 2.0, and while we were talking he whipped out a pair of microphones and started recording a podcast interview about tags, microformats and so on.

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